Diverticulitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs commonly in the colon as a result of small pockets that develop over time. These pockets commonly occur as a result of constipation, and other conditions which lead to pressure within the colon.
Occasional fecal material can become trapped in these diverticuli causing inflammation. It’s this inflammation that leads to pain, and fever commonly associated with diverticulitis. The left colon is particularly susceptible to diverticulitis, but the condition can occur anywhere within the colon.
Most cases of diverticulitis will resolve without the need for surgery. Occasionally, surgical treatment is necessary when diverticulitis is complicated by bleeding, perforation, or obstruction of the colon. Repeated episodes of diverticulitis can also lead to consideration for surgery.
When elective surgery is performed, it can often times be completed with minimally-invasive surgery. The surgeons and Mid-Florida Surgical Associates are trained in laparoscopic and robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgeries for conditions of the colon.
Colon cancer is a malignant condition of the colon which often requires surgery. Colon cancers often develop from colon polyps. A routine colonoscopy can often detect and remove these polyps. If left untreated, these polyps can progress into cancer. Whenever possible, colon cancer should be removed. This can often be accomplished through minimally-invasive techniques, such as robotic-assisted laparoscopic colon resection.
When treated early enough, many patients can avoid chemotherapy and other adjunctive forms of treatment for treatment of advanced cancers. All of the surgeons at Mid-Florida Surgical Associates are trained in colonoscopy and minimally-invasive as well as more complex open surgical treatments for colon cancer.
Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoid tissues are “cushions” of blood vessels that swell slightly during bowel movements. Too much pressure on the anal canal can make these tissues remain enlarged and cause symptoms. This can happen to hemorrhoids on the outside and inside of the anal canal. The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are pain, itching and bleeding. The most common causes are constipation and straining with bowel movements. There are other problems that can cause symptoms similar to hemorrhoids.
Fissure: A fissure is a small tear or crack in the lining of the anus. It can be caused by hard bowel movements, diarrhea, or inflammation in the rectal area. Fissures can bleed and cause painful bowel movements.
Fistula: A fistula is a pathway that may form when an abscess drains. The pathway may remain after the abscess is gone. Fistulas aren’t usually painful. But they can cause drainage where the pathway meets the skin.
Mid-Florida Surgical Associates Business Office
1804 Oakley Seaver Drive, Suite A, Clermont, Florida 34711, United States